The Family
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You're looking at is the main page of, the internet domain of Andreas Hotz and his family. Some of the pages, mainly the home pages of the family members still are "under construction" (and they probably will stay that way, but you never know), so some of the pages may be not too overpopulated yet...

A site with a view...
The picture above shows a view from our place in Zug, in the very heart of Switzerland. What you see is an early morning scenery. Mist is flowing over the hills from the valley of the Reuss onto the lake of Zug near Cham. Klicking on the small icon version of this picture on every page will send you back here. And before you ask: No, this is not a painting, and again no, the photograph was not photoshopped, except that it was reduced to a 256bit palette to make it compatible to web browsers at low resolutions.

Other Views...
Not interested in misty pictures from the origin of some obscure internet homepage like the one you are currently looking at? Instead, you would like to see sunny pictures - or maybe no sun at all? Try these:
Picture copyright (c) 2013 Andreas Hotz.

Last edited by Andreas Hotz at 07/27/2016 07:17 AM